Thursday 9 June 2016

The New Age of Serverless Apps

The New Age of Serverless Apps


Developers has been developing applications of different kinds including web, mobile and cloud. Many developers use to store the data of their applications on physical hard drives and nowadays on cloud. For that, they had to manage servers either on-premises or remote. They had to take care of its maintenance which became hectic as time passes and data comes at bottleneck. Cost is the major factor that gets increased when we enhance the capabilities of the server in terms of its space, networking, cabling, cooling or virtual machines etc. 

Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture, as name suggests has brought relief for developers as they no longer had to look after servers on their own. They will no longer have to carry the burden of heavy data loads and deployment over the server. There has been now a shift of the deployment of applications from cloud to serverless architecture. One thing that must be understood, with serverless architecture, it does not mean that servers will no longer be used in any way, that is totally wrong in fact, the cloud owners or providers will manage the servers. It can be said as, serverless architecture is software-as-a-service for developers.

Applications on Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture gives developer the opportunity to deploy their applications by just providing the code without thinking about the servers, OS computation etc. For example, Amazon Lambda executes applications when we provide code and do trigger some events. It itself handles the cloud or back-end of that application. There is no need to download or install additional software on your computer. 

Why Serverless Architecture are the future of apps?

  1. It will benefit the user for its fast deployment i.e. no server down issues anymore.
  2. It will only trigger application when there is an event triggered.
  3. No need to manage extra resources or hardware for the app to run.
  4. Cost is reduced as no hardware is involved additionally.
From web app to mobile app, serverless architecture will now be able to handle applications for IoT, make dashboards, hosting of back-end for mobile apps and event Video-on-Demand (VoD) services.
This actually depicts the future of serverless applications as it has widens the category of application to be built on it.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Facebook, Microsoft and Google stand against hate speech!

European regulatory authorities notified the IT giants - Microsoft, Facebook and Google - about hateful content being rolled out on their respective sites or on services which was later agreed by these organizations and promised to get it removed as soon as possible.

After the attacks in Brussels and Paris, European Union is committed to remove the hateful speech of any kind on social media platforms or on any other websites. A specific code of conduct has been released just to push web companies to remove such content as soon as possible for which they all have agreed. Meanwhile, Facebook has been working with Germany to combat racist speech and content over their platform.

It may have put in difficult situation for the tech organizations but it is still necessary to combat terrorist over the social media by removing and taking serious steps of preventing hateful speech. 

Friday 6 May 2016

Microsoft + Facebook Bot Integration

When Microsoft announced its Bot framework recently in Build 2016 conference, Facebook, another big social platform also announced Bots for their Messenger application. Joining of these two organization's Bots portray a huge market for the development of Bot enabled applications.

It looks like the world will be seeing artificial intelligence enabled applications around them. There will be no need of finding a phone number from a telephone directory of any service you are looking for because Bot will automatically find that service for you. There will be no need to book a room in your favorite hotel, Bot will have already done that for your before leaving for the tour. There will be no need of getting confused in deciding your favorite food in restaurant, Bot will provide you the best suggestions that suits your taste.

In future, there will be only Bots that play the role of a bridge between human and organization, between human and services, between human to human.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Microsoft Build Conference 2016 Recap

Microsoft Build Conference - 2016

Like every year, once again Microsoft brought amazing and exciting stuffs at their developer event Build Conference, took place few weeks back. For three days, new and innovative technologies and tools were demonstrated by the Microsoft team. 

Some highlighting technologies introduced at the Build were:

Bots, Bots and Bots

Microsoft brought an idea of AI Bots that would be able to give feedback of our input and provide us assistance digitally. A very good example of this is the Cortana which is now integrated in Skype and soon will be integrated in other services like XBOX. 

Windows 10 Anniversary Update

A whole new cumulative update is yet to come to in our Windows 10 which will bring fingerprint authentication and UWP for different applications. It is also announced that new features will also be added to the Edge browser. But the most amazing feature that was demonstrated was Windows Ink. Which will be able to draw drawings and point of interests on the map in real time using pen powered apps.

Linux CMD in Windows 10

Its true, Yes, Windows users will now be able to use Linux command line. Its simple, Windows now supporting Linux by using native Ubuntu binaries on Windows 10. 

Hololens for Developers

For the developers, Microsoft has started shipping Hololens which is a good step towards developing apps for Hololens. At Build, one Hololens app was displayed demonstrating the medical inspection of the human body.